Friday 21 October 2011

To get enough water...

...for the Victoria Mill turbine, this little stream will need to be dredged. That's a small grayling in front and a male brown trout behind. Under their fins, within the silt are brook lamprey and mayfly larval nymphs. On the weed are thousands of insects and in holes in the banks are water voles, often seen sitting out on shallow riffles in the late afternoon sun.  


  1. I have grave concerns for much of this current Governments policies on renewable energy;housing etc etc [although I am of the opinion that all three major parties would follow more or less the same reckless approaches to future provision of both]giving little concern to the legacy we leave our children.They are hell bent on encouraging schemes such as this without fully measuring the future impact or indeed wether such schemes are absolutely essential.Perhaps there are enough of us who, if we speak out loud and long enough, can make them sit up and listen

  2. DREDGED? That would be another lovely stream gone - so many of them have been straightened, concrete banked, changed to suit man's (often temporary) needs.

    A terrible prospect.
